Sixth Form
Welcome to Q3 Academy Tipton 6th Form. The next two years promise to be two of the most exciting and challenging years of your life. Our vision is to inspire our students to aim high, to develop confidence, independence and resourcefulness so that they grow into young adults who are responsible and effective members of the wider community, well-equipped to thrive in the ever-changing world in which we live.
We place strong emphasis on pastoral support and the value of relationships to enhance individual well-being and academic success and provide a supportive and challenging environment in which our students are able to flourish. At Q3 Tipton, we will help you develop skills that will equip you for higher education and the workplace.
Bursary Applications
All Q3 sixth form students are welcome to apply for a bursary; we will be in touch following a completed application to let you know the outcome.
Click here to apply to the 6th Form Bursary
6TH Form Curriculum
In all subject areas we aim to provide specialist teaching which will motivate and empower our students. The curriculum is structured to develop the depth of knowledge, understanding and skills required for academic success; it will also develop successful study habits through independent study and metacognitive strategies. Regular, meaningful assessment and feedback are an essential part of the curriculum in all areas.
A Level Pathway
Students will study three A Levels during their time in sixth form. All A Level subjects are now on linear specifications. At the end of year 12 mock exams will provide an accurate assessment point and ensure that all students remain on a successful learning plan.
Vocational Level 3 Pathway
This allows you to study a combination of coursework based subjects. This pathway will provide you with a professional vocational experience that will enable you to progress in to employment, apprenticeships or university.
Blended pathway
This provides you with real variety, as you can choose to combine A Level and vocational qualifications. This pathway provides you with a balance of academic rigour and vocational experiences that will enable you to progress on to further training, university or employment.
GCSE English and Maths Resit- It is a national requirement that all students must re-sit their English and/or Maths GCSE if they do not achieve at least a grade 4 in Year 11.
Careers Advice & Guidance
We ensure all of our students receive appropriate advice regarding their “next steps” during their time at Q3 Academy Tipton through a programme of careers education and advice and guidance provided by our pastoral team and our careers adviser. Furthermore, students are supported in seeking work and volunteering placements which will further enhance their readiness for future applications and life outside education
For more information on careers, contact Mr D Edmonds, Careers & Aspirations Leader -
Useful links
Applications will be welcome from students considering admission to the Q3 Academy Tipton Sixth Form for September 2023. Students will be considered for admission providing they meet the entry criteria as set out in the prospectus. Please use the button below to access our online application form. If you require a paper version please email for more information.
6th Form Application
Click here to apply to Q3 Academy Tipton 6th Form
Enrichment Opportunities
We firmly believe that all students should have the opportunity to further their learning and skills as part of their programme of study. We have developed a wide range of enrichment opportunities that promote academic excellence, leadership and independence. Q3 Academy Tipton, provides a wide range of extra-curricular activities including trips in the UK and abroad and opportunities for students to take on positions of leadership and responsibility.
Useful Documents
6th Form Application form September 246th Form Information Handbook
6th Form Option Block sign up 2024